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Monday, 31 March 2014

The Player With The Pointiest Ears Goes First


An amazing twenty-one people turned up last night to Cult for the first meetup. Dan was the first to arrive at the slightly too early time of ten to seven. Stumbling across a group of monopoly players he was invited to join their game and unfortunately, knee deep in hotels and unpaid debts, missed the 20 Ipbogers as they arrived. He's pretty much my hero and will hopefully be back next week to join in.

Having found a secluded spot in the corner we commenced, slowly taking over the booths and spreading further afield. Our power tonight was our sheer strength in numbers.

We split into four groups playing 7 Wonders, Lords of Waterdeep, Trains and Smallworld. I reigned victorious on 7 Wonders, but will be going to hell for beating small girls, having played with some of the youngest but most accomplished board gamers I've ever met. I'm not sure what happened with the other games as I was too busy winning but I hear Muir won Lords Of Waterdeep, beating Darren at his own game.

Next up a different group played another game of Waterdeep and I tried my hand at Takenoko while the others tried to identify the Cylon in Battlestar Galactica. As the other games were finishing up a few of us ended the night with Smallworld. Proving that he can only win other peoples' games, Darren and the forest elves slaughtered the opposing races on his first ever play.

All in all a great night. Thanks to Cult for letting us invade their table space and thanks to everyone for coming. We'll be back next week 7:30. Not ten to seven, sorry Dan.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

First Meetup


The first meetup will be this Monday (the 31st). A facebook event has been created for it. Please join and share with anyone you think might be interested.
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