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Saturday, 30 August 2014

Battle Stations


I couldn't make it last week but things still ticked along without me. I hear a couple of new guys came and brought Relic with them. The game came down to a race between Steve and Dan to roll a 6 and win the game. In order to finish the game because closing, everyone else forfeited their turns. Steve ended up rolling the 6 before Dan.

This week was a bank holiday which always has a low turn out but we still managed to muster around ten people. We started off with Dice Dual. We had an odd number of people so my team had 3 people and the opposing team had 4. This meant I was not only the captain but also in charge of engineering. This is almost an impossible task and for the most part I left it up to the other players to decide on where they placed their dice. Unlike the last games we had played, this game lasted longer and seemed more tactical. To the layman observer it might have looked like we knew what we were doing. In truth we were frantically rolling dice and trying to make our ship go vaguely where we wanted it to. My team ended up taking the victory but I don't think we can take all the credit, at one point our enemies teleported themselves onto a mine they'd placed earlier.

During Dice Dual a few more people arrived and we split off, playing Train, Revolution and Alien Frontiers. I played Trains. Everyone started off in different areas of the board and there was very little crossover of people on the same space. Towards the end of the game I'd built myself a pretty good engine of the cards and bought myself a bunch of skyscrapers. Adam ended the game by building the last station but it was too late, I'd got myself a run-away lead and finished with the top score.

In Alien Frontiers it looked like the game belonged to Dan, but just at the last minute Corey took the lead from him. After Revolution, the guys went on to a game of Pandemic where they successfully cured all diseases, saving the world from infection. After Trains I played Love Letter, and everyone else finished up with Coup.

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Die Fighters


We split into a few groups playing Gloom, Level 7 [Omega Protocol] and Space Cadets: Dice Duel.

Using the power of facebook Dan announced that he'd be bringing Space Cadets: Dice Duel, a real time dice rolling game played by two teams. I got suckered in to watching the instructional video which in turn suckered me into being nominated as the captain. We threw together two teams of four and commenced battle. Initially we played the basic game without asteroids or crystals. I would like to say I led my team to victory but that would be a blatant lie. We were obliterated. After some quick mutiny, Andy became the captain of our team and I was relegated to helm and shields. We added in the asteroids and crystals and launched into a second battle. My helmsmanship was as bad as my captainmanship, and we ended up losing the second battle too.

After Space Cadets we separated into two groups. I played Revolution! while the others played Forbidden Desert. Revolution! is a game of blind bidding. Initially I had no idea what I was doing but after a few rounds I started to get the hang of it. It was looking like the game was mine until my general lack of attention meant I attacked Dan when really I should have attacked Steve. This left Steve with enough points to edge in front of me, winning the game.

I had to leave before the end of the night but no doubt a bunch of other games were played too. Probably The Resistance.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

The Big Box is Back


So we got a respectable 15 this week. There's some sort of RPG group that usually happens on a Monday but they were between campaigns or something so we had a couple of newcomers from there.

I managed to haul my Kingdom Builder big box down along with Trains, which I was borrowing from a friend. We split into three groups. One played Munchkin. I hear it turned into a bit of an RPG and never really finished. I've never played Munchkin or an RPG so I don't really know what this means. I can only assume the newcomers were trying to assimilate us and they seemed to be doing a pretty good job at it. After they released the board gamers from their clutches they got in a game of For Sale.

I started off with Trains. I thought I had this game in the bag but I didn't realise how close Steve was to using all his stations and ending the game. I went into whatever the Trains version of duchy panic time is and started buying the low value victory point cards. Still, it was too late and Steve beat me by a single point, winning the game.

The others played Small World which Sam won. After that they played Level 7 [Omega Protocol].

We played Kingdom Builder. Again just the base game, I've still not had time to read the expansion rules and in all honesty I'm not in a big rush to, the base game has plenty of game left in it yet. Steve somehow manged to obtain about five chits giving him way too many special moves for anyone else to compete with. He wiped the floor with us for a double whammy of a win. We played a second game and things were much more balanced. And by much more balanced I mean I won. I think it's worth noting that Dan did incredibly badly and scored less than half what I got. Sorry Dan.
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