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Monday, 20 April 2015

Japanese Time Travel

Ghost Stories

We got about fifteen people this week, including one new guy who'd met some IpBoGers at the Ipswich Tabletop Day a couple of weeks ago.

Tragedy Looper
Andy had asked me to bring in Ghost Stories to play as he was a fan of co-ops, so bring it in I did. Four of us battled against the underworld to rid the village of ghosts. Half way through the game the board was almost full of ghosts and it looked like all was lost. Somehow we managed to pull through and last out until Wu Feng was revealed. Sacrificing a few qi tokens and using our yin-yang tokens we managed to pull together and defeat the incarnation. I think our luck with the curse die really helped in this game, out of the three rolls all were non-events. One day I'll feel brave enough to attempt it on the normal difficulty.

While we were playing that, Danny was teaching different groups of people to play Tragedy Looper. I think maybe three or four games of it were played.

The others played Citadels but with six players the game dragged as it sometimes does. The full game plays to eight buildings and the short game plays to seven. I think they stopped at six. Citadels can be a great game but it's probably at its greatest with a smaller number of players.

After Ghost Stories I played a game of Sushi Go. Matt won way out in front of anyone else. Others finished off the night  with a few games of Skull and Roses.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Some Sort of Title


Discworld: Ankh-Morpork

Hi, and welcome to some sort of blog post. This week some people came and we played a bunch of games. Pretty much the same as every week.

The Resistance
This time we I started off playing Diskworld: Ankh-Morpork. In this game every player has a hidden role and different roles have different win conditions. You are trying to complete your condition without giving away which role you are, whilst trying to work out other players' roles and stop them from winning. With a lot of the roles, you have to satisfy the condition at the start of your turn. This proves hard when there are a bunch of other players' turns before it comes round to you again. We were about to run out of cards and come to the end of the game. In a last all or nothing attempt to satisfy my conditions I accidentally satisfied Felixstowe Dan's conditions. His turn came directly after mine and having no one between to fix my mistake I won him the game.

Star RealmsWhile this was going on others were playing The Resistance and Bang! Another group were playing Pandemic and, from what I understand, beat it on the medium toughness.

After Diskworld we played a four player game of Star Realms. Teacher Dan got himself an unbeatable combo, playing all the cards in his deck on every turn. He'd gone for the blue faction and was not only dealing about twenty damage on every turn, but also healing himself by twenty every turn too. As is usually the way with unbeatable combos, he ended up beating everyone else and won the game.

Towards the end of the night Danny was going through the rules of Tragedy Looper. The first play through will no doubt come next week.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Cthulhu's Cultists

Cthulhu Wars

Bank holidays are always a strange one for attendees; some of the usual suspects can't make it but conversely some people that aren't usually free on Mondays have some spare free time. All in all we managed to pull together eleven board gamers.

Machi KoroTim is one such guy that is usually busy on a Monday but he came this week armed with Cthulhu Wars. It was a mammoth box, many times the size of a regular game. My understanding is that it also cost many times the price of a regular game. I don't know much about it it except that it's a mini-heavy Kickstarter affair, with some minis so big they can hardly be called miniatures.

I started off with Machi Koro, a game I own but am not overly keen on. This time I didn't mind it too much though. And Gemma won it, obtaining her first ever win at IpBoG.

QuarriorsAfterwards we played Biblios where Gemma and I drew for first place. This was followed by a few games of Skull. Continuing her winning streak, Gemma also won one of those games. We finished off the night with a game of Quarriors. Determined not to let her winning streak continue, I used by best dice rolling skills to win that game.

The others played Dead of Winter. Teacher Dan and Alex both won. Despite his victory, Alex pretty much hated the game.

Don't forget that this Saturday is Tabletop Day. No doubt some IpBoGers will be attending.
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